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Developing Leaders

Uncategorized Sep 20, 2022

Now more than ever, there is a need for committed leaders to pour into and nurture the next generation of leaders. Statistics show that 77% of organizations report they are experiencing a leadership gap.


How do we bridge the growing leadership gap?

  1. Start early: Be a safe space for leaders; have conversations with them. With time, they will share their challenges, and you can offer advice that can help them grow.
  2. Share resources: You don’t have to do the work of developing leaders alone because you will not have all the answers. Sharing resources such as books, podcasts, and videos contributes to their development. Having conversations with them after they consume the resources can offer an opportunity for growth. You can also refer them to experienced leaders for structured help. At CLN, developing leaders is our core mission, and we are committed to helping young leaders.
  3. Give feedback: Contrary to popular belief, positive feedback is the feedback leaders need most. What did I do well? How can I do it better? When leaders share their experiences with you, applaud them when they make the right decisions and help them improve when necessary.


We can make a difference,





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