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Create a Shared Vision

vision Nov 16, 2022

Leading successfully depends on our ability to cast, nurture and develop our organizational vision. When people know what they are working toward and speak the language of shared vision, progress happens, and our teams experience fulfillment. The team will experience the power of seeing tangible results when the vision is clear, and that vision informs their daily activities. One of my greatest joys as a leader is crafting a shared vision!


Crafting a vision begins with understanding what we want to accomplish and why! If it is a new organization or you’re in a new position, you have to take time to ask yourself these two pertinent questions. What you are building and why. Even if the organization has been around a while, it is a great time to reevaluate the vision….the what and the why. Here are some important questions that every leader must ask.


  1. How well have I articulated the vision to my team?
  2. Do the members of the team understand what our goals are?
  3. Do I know why I’m doing what I’m doing? How well have I shared our WHY with everyone connected to the organization?


Take the time to write out the vision in plain terms, articulate the strategy for achieving that vision, and make the WHY bigger than the WHAT! Your written vision will serve as a reference point and reminder about what we should be working towards and why.

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