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Checking for Coachability

coach mentorship Oct 26, 2022

This month, we have spoken extensively about coachability and its influence on your leadership and growth. It is an important skill that we must continue to work on every day because there is always room to be better. Still, how do you know you are getting better? Here are some tips for tracking your coachability growth:

  1. Are you listening more? Your reactions to conversations with people, regardless of their status, can be an indicator of how you are doing in your desire to be coachable. Do you listen to learn and be informed, or do you listen to respond and be right?

  2. Do you seek out feedback? It is one thing to get feedback without asking. However, actively seeking out feedback about your actions and leadership styles from people whose opinion you value is an important indicator of growth. This shows a personal dedication to growth.

  3. Are you consuming the right materials? Seeking out opportunities for learning is an example that you are taking the right steps. There are several books, podcasts, and even conferences that you can consume that will help your leadership journey. Incorporating this as a foundational principle for yourself is a step in the direction.

Don’t forget to be patient with yourself. Growth is gradual, one step at a time.

Keep doing,






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