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Build the Right Team

communication team teamwork May 12, 2022

Your value as a leader is often defined by the people on your team. Building the right team goes beyond finding a group of people with the right mix of professional skills; it is about developing a sense of teamwork and commitment to the organization’s vision.


The process can begin with a decision to value your team’s members as individuals. You want your team to function as one unit but with many unique perspectives. You build a healthy team environment when individuals of diverse backgrounds and strengths are equally respected for their ability to contribute toward your common goal.


When you establish the safe space required for your team to thrive, communication becomes a necessity. As much as possible, keep your team aware of highs and lows within the organization and how they can be managed. Consistently ask: Are my colleagues happy with my work? What can I improve on? If they sense you’re frustrated, without proper communication, it can lead to stress and resentment. Finally, consistently encourage growth. You can do this by providing one-on-one coaching and training for the team. This enables them to be more vulnerable about their challenges and gain clarity on how they can be managed and fixed.


Commit to consistent growth and improvement with your team by setting objectives, solving problems, and planning for challenges. Make it clear to your team that you are determined to add value to their lives and help them fulfill their destiny.

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